Exploring Natural Pain Relief: The Great Potential of CBD

January 17, 2024  •  CBD, Educational, Pain Relief

CBD for pain relief and arthritis

Pain is an all too familiar companion for many of us. Whether it’s chronic pain, arthritis-related aches, or general discomfort, finding effective relief can be a challenge. In recent years, however, there’s been growing interest in a natural alternative that has been making waves for its potential in managing pain: Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD.

CBD for Pain: What the Research Says

A Gallup survey from 2019 sheds light on the rising use of CBD for pain management. Among the respondents who use CBD, 40% reported using it primarily for pain relief. This aligns with the findings of a large-scale review published in 2017, which concluded that there is “substantial evidence that cannabis is an effective treatment for chronic pain in adults.” These studies highlight the growing recognition of CBD’s role in pain management.

CBD and Arthritis: A Ray of Hope

Recently, The Arthritis Foundation conducted a survey among 2,600 arthritis patients and found that 29% currently use CBD to manage their arthritis symptoms. The results are telling: 67% reported improvement in their physical function, and over 30% found relief from morning stiffness, aiding in kickstarting their day. Moreover, respondents noted improvements in their ability to sleep, a lowering of fatigue symptoms, and a reduction in anxiety.

Such findings are promising, particularly for individuals seeking natural ways to manage pain. The survey’s results, where “roughly 3 out of 4 report it was either effective or very effective in relieving several symptoms,” indicate that CBD could be a valuable addition to pain management strategies.

The Role of Cannabliss CBD Balm

At Jammin Canna, we understand the importance of addressing pain in a natural, effective way. Our founder, Garth O. Vaz, MD, was moved by a desire to help alleviate the pain of his ailing patients when he decided to launch his own physician-formulated brand of CBD. Our CBD + Arnica Salve, made from all-natural ingredients and applied topically, is crafted to meet this need. Many of our customers have reported improved mobility and a significant reduction in discomfort upon regular application. This aligns with the growing body of evidence supporting the use of CBD in pain relief.

A Natural Path to Pain Relief

The potential of CBD in pain management is a beacon of hope for many. With its anti-inflammatory properties and the anecdotal reports of its effectiveness, CBD represents a step towards a more natural approach in addressing pain. As interest in CBD continues to grow, it’s important to consult healthcare professionals to understand how it can be integrated into pain management routines.

Thanks to a rise in research-backed information and user testimonials, CBD emerges as a natural alternative worth considering in the journey towards pain relief. Remember, the next time you visit your doctor or pharmacist, consider discussing CBD as a potential option. You might just find the relief you’ve been seeking, backed by the gentle power of nature.

FDA Disclosure: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.